Q: Do you need physiotherapy after hand surgery?

A: It depends on the nature of the surgery. In many instances, occupational therapy is indicated to reduce scar tissue, improve mobilization, etc. to promote healing and increase post-op success/quality of life. I’d recommend seeing a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT).

Q: I have ankle pain. Do I heat or ice?

A: Do you know what is triggering your pain? If this is a new/acute injury I recommend RICE: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. Good luck!

Q: What kind of cream can I use for hip pain?

A: People find relief with Bengay, Tiger Balm, and Icy Hot. I’d recommend meeting with a healthcare professional to get to the root of the problem and go from there.

Q: Can acupuncture help with hand nerve pain?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you treat shoulder impingement with exercises?

A: I’d recommend initially resting the shoulder and avoiding over-the-head motions with the affected arm. But yes, exercise is a great way to treat shoulder impingement. These exercises will often address the rotator cuff/scapula; feel free to consult with a professional for assistance with targeting the specific muscles supporting these structures.

Q: How do you become an OT?

A: You will need a 4-year degree with completion of whatever pre-requisite courses are needed for the OT program(s) you will apply to. These programs will list any other requirements such as standardized testing, volunteer hours, letters of recommendation, personal statements, etc. Once you complete your OT program you will have to sit for the National Board of Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam and apply/complete whatever paperwork is required for state licensure.

“Medicine adds days to your life, occupational therapy adds life to your days”
